Save time
Say goodbye to spreadsheets and let our easy to use CRM automatically categorise your charity’s incoming payments.
Automate your Gift Aid claims, make updates in a flash, and don’t spend another minute scratching your head over some account discrepancy - use Beacon and get the full story.

Set up rules to auto-categorise your payments.

Direct Gift Aid integration with HMRC.

Automatic Gift Aid eligibility checking across all payments added to Beacon.

Stress no more
Relax in the knowledge that all your online donations are stored in a secure, cloud-hosted platform that you can access any time, from any device. Get the information you need, whenever you need it.

Work smarter
Integrate multiple revenue streams from your fundraising campaigns and website to see an accurate, up to the minute snapshot of all your incoming payments. Never wonder where a penny came from again!
"We used to have to process, match, and code each payment individually. With Beacon, you get all that information before the money has landed. You’ve already personally thanked them, allocated the funds, and analysed the results. Then the actual cash arrives and everything tallies up perfectly."
Kevin Hughes
Special Olympics Ireland