Beacon is a London-based technology company that builds CRM software for charities. Charities of varying sizes - from lone CEOs to household names - use our services to manage their organisations online.
At Beacon, we strive to always do the right thing in our business operations, including complying with applicable laws and maintaining the highest ethical standards.
We publish this statement in compliance with the UK Modern Slavery Act of 2015 to show our users how we prevent modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labour, and labour rights violations from taking place in our business and supply chains.
Modern slavery encompasses all types of slavery, human trafficking, servitude and forced or compulsory labour across a vast number of industries. Modern slavery may affect individuals that are resident within or outside of the UK.
Beacon is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships. We do not tolerate any form of modern slavery, and we have robust systems and controls to help prevent this activity from taking place in our business and supply chains.
Beaconʼs supply chains include:
The majority of Beaconʼs suppliers are based in the UK and North America. As an internet-based data business, with the majority of our suppliers being software and professional service providers, Beacon operates in a sector that is considered relatively low risk for modern slavery and human trafficking.
To further mitigate this risk, Beacon conducts a thorough review of all new suppliers before we work with them. We ensure that our suppliers commit publicly to maintaining the same ethical standards, and comply with applicable laws in the performance of their obligations.
If Beacon establishes that modern slavery is taking place in our business or supply chains, we will terminate the relevant relationship, report the activity to law enforcement, and co-operate with any resulting investigation.
We provide advice and guidance to team members who have responsibility for procurement and management of our supply chains.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the UK Modern Slavery Act of 2015 and constitutes our modern slavery statement for the financial year ending 2025. This statement has been approved by Beacon's board of directors.